The Intersection of AI and the First Amendment

Hey there, fellow Ohioans! Welcome back to Common Sense Ohio, where we bring you thoughtful discussions on current issues that matter. Today, we've got a jam-packed episode covering everything from Thanksgiving chaos to the First Amendment and AI. Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride!

First things first, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we can already feel the family dinner chaos creeping in. We're thankful for our sponsor, Harper Plus Accounting, who keeps us in check with their impeccable services.

Speaking of gratitude, let's shout out to the one and only Sarah Josepha Hale, who paved the way for Thanksgiving to become a national holiday. And our Canadian friends have their own version of Thanksgiving too!

The budget process and the national debt crisis have us scratching our heads. It's time for our politicians to step up and address this issue head-on. We can't keep kicking the can down the road, folks. Common sense and responsible spending are crucial!

Speaking of history, let's take a trip back to that infamous day: the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The confusion surrounding the state-of-the-art radar technology at the time still astounds us. Imagine trying to decipher whether those radar signals were Japanese dive bombers or enemy ships.

We discuss the recent court decision of David Tatum, a child psychiatrist in Charlotte, who was sentenced today to 40 years in prison followed by 30 years of supervised release for sexual exploitation of a minor and using artificial intelligence (AI) to create child pornography images of minors. Our main focus is on AI and 1st Amendment considerations, and the challenges of prosecuting these crimes. This takeaway will expand your understanding of the evolving intersection between technology and the law.

Okay, enough with the heavy stuff, let's shift gears for a moment. Hunting season is upon us, and we can't stress enough how important safety is while out in the wilderness. And speaking of safety, remember folks, St. Patrick's Day might bring out the green, but the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the biggest party night of the year – stay safe out there!

That's a wrap for today, folks! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Common Sense Ohio. Remember to visit our website, subscribe to the podcast, and follow us on social media – we are always eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Until next time, Ohioans, stay curious, stay engaged, and always apply some common sense!

- Norm Murdock, Steve Palmer, and Brett Johnson

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.


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