Understanding Temporary Restraining Orders in Constitutional Disputes
Steve Palmer sheds light on constitutional procedures and their importance. Amid the media frenzy, remember: our system, although complex, is designed to work through conflicts and endure challenges. Trust in the process.
Election Day - Fake Pradas Or Keds?
Ladies of the suburbs, are your egos and the neighborhood peer pressure so huge that you’ll vote in war, suppressed freedom of speech, runaway inflation, and illegal chaos coming across the border?
RINOs Taft & Kasich Embarrass Ohio & Themselves
Former Ohio governors - claiming to be Republicans - have gone full RINO in endorsing Kamala Harris and Sherrod Brown. It’s exposed them as unthinking, angry political hags, void of any sort of coherent philosophical foundation.
Say Again, Tim Walz, About Political Imprisoning?
Tim Walz served up a steaming pile when he claimed Trump - of all people - plans to imprison his political foes. As always, the Lefties accuse their enemies of what they themselves do! Hypocrisy knows no bounds with the Left, and a good communist like China's boy in Minnesota knows all about false flag operations.
Pete Rose: Ohio’s Hit King, All Hail The King!
MLB can kiss Pete's ass. Cooperstown and the weenie sports journalists who never played the game can kiss Pete's ass. His imprint on baseball is bigger than any museum. The glaring hypocrisy of today's "Official Gambling Partners" of the MLB makes his embargo from the Hall of Fame pure nonsense. In fact, MLB can kiss my ass too.
Israel Was Wrong To Use Indiscriminate Hand Bombs, So Begins Another Cycle Of Violent Revenge
The case against Israel's "high tech" pager, phone, and radio bombings against people in southern Lebanon. No better than land mines around a city, snaring children and other innocent non-combatants. From a pro-Israel perspective, this was wrong strategically and morally.
Blood Money
Proponents of providing arms to Ukraine are employing a new persuasive strategy: they assert that aiding Ukraine would significantly benefit the American economy.
We Are At War
We're at war with Iran. Maybe we don't want to be, you know like the 3000 at Pearl Harbor or the other 3000 on 9-11. None of those people were looking for a war either. Neither am I.
What Does 2024 Have in Store?
Predictions for 2024. Will I be right on the money, or my bank account be overdrawn?
Careful With Your Hitler Memes
Like everything with The Left, Hitler trash talk only goes in one direction.
A Mixed Up, Muddled Up, Shook Up World, Lola
There is a palpable uptick in men wanting to be women, and women wanting to be men. Why? What are the social forces and dynamics behind this trend?
Ohio's Abortion Genocide Begins
Now in Ohio, a female of any age can kill the fetus she is carrying up to the day of delivery upon the sole judgement of the Planned Parenthood doctor (who obviously has a monetary conflict of interest!) that the abortion is for the health of the female. Note that health includes financial health, mental health, family home conditions, etc).
Genocide Cannot Beget Genocide
If my favorite dog is rabid or my horse breaks its leg, and they cannot be saved, I love them but I will put them down. The same for human murderers and rapists. Zero contradiction, ethically succinct. But I would not kill everybody in the same city with them.
Who Runs Bartertown
The middle-class common sense "wing" of America is sick and tired of the Porkopolis budgeting process where it's one big bitter pill we have to swallow every year.
Complete The Wall
The United States is on track for another back-to-back year of 2 Million illegal immigrants. And by some estimates, we have 30 Million in here already.
We Have Forgotten - 9/11 Will Happen Again
We as a country have a very short memory. We've learned nothing from 9-11.
Budget Crisis - Shut It Down
As we hurtle towards a new US Government fiscal year, if the Biden budget busters won't heel to fiscal reality, then the House Republicans should: Shut. It. Down.
Lenin Running Loose In The Drug Store
Vladimir Lenin must be proud. He's taking over America after all, and if you're cheering it on, I hope you don't need the disappearing drugs that will inevitably result from the Biden/Lenin drug price plan.