Abortion, Pot, and Pillars of Salt

Ohio voters really blew it on Issue 1, which failed to pass during this month's special election.

The "Progressive" machine in Ohio, funded by $14M from Soros and other lefty PACs, turned out big numbers to keep Ohio's state constitution as-is. Meaning amendments to the state constitution remain by simple majority vote of state voters.

Of course the US Constitution and enlightened states have a higher bar, because - as has been demonstrated here - single issue voters are motivated to flood the polls over their rah-rah amendments. Meanwhile most other Ohio voters stay home in special elections, where the President, senators, congressmen, governor, state reps, and other high officeholders are not on the ballot.

Therefore making it far easier for special interests to drum up cash, do a media blitz, inject emotional appeals, and get out enough energized one-issue voters to push through their one issue.

Issue 1 was a measure to raise the amendment approval threshold to 60% of votes, instead of 50%.

The US Constitution requires 2/3rds vote by Congress to initiate an amendment and then 3/4ths of the States to approve it.

So the proposed Issue 1 was modest by that standard, requiring much less than 75% for adoption.

The motivated voters in Ohio who rejected the 60% idea were by and large Pro-Abortion voters, who simultaneously had gathered sufficient signatures to place an Abortion On Demand amendment before Ohio voters in the November election this fall (with a slippery worded phrase in the proposed about "reproductive decisions").

Here is the language on the ballot (in the quoted sections below):

1. Establish that "Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on: 1. contraception; 2. fertility treatment; 3. continuing one’s own pregnancy; 4. miscarriage care; and 5. abortion.";

2. Prohibit the state of Ohio from interfering with these constitutional rights including those assisting with these rights, except when the state demonstrates "that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual's health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care;"

3. Allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, defined as "the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient's treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis."; and

4. Prohibit the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

See a few problems?

Doesn't say adult. So you will lose parental notice and involvement, boom.

Doesn't even say women or females. So that includes minor girls and even males, boom.

The phrase "including but not limited to" introduces gender reassignment and gender identification for adjudication under this Abortion Amendment.

And bottom line, what does "patient's life or health" mean? After all, a baby can be a serious drag on one's lifestyle and mental health. Right?

So what's my gloom and doom all about?

Because this:

The licentious and selfish and morally bereft part of Ohio's population are going to vote for another Amendment on the ballot this fall: Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Use and Home Harvesting! That's right pot and killing babies on the same ballot, without any national or state-wide offices carried on the same ballot to bring out the Non-Single Issue Voters.

So if I'm playing Kreskin, I think both Amendments will pass.

Because far fewer than 50% of voters will be motivated to go to the polls or vote early on these Special Interest measures.

Because we now have a Culture of Death in society, where people don't care about lives they don't see right in front of them. They enjoy death videos, killing video games, snuff programming, and are insensitive to rape and slavery of illegal alien children.

Because we have any Anything Goes moral code, where self-destruction by drugs, porn, gambling, and any other former Seven Deadly Sin is sanctioned by the state. Not enough zombies behind the wheel on Ohio roads? Just wait, baby.

Ooops, sorry, "baby" is bad word now in Ohio.

Babies are impediments to "life and health" at the sole discretion of a "doctor" getting paid to eliminate the impediment.

We are due to turn into Pillars of Salt. God help us.


Lenin Running Loose In The Drug Store


Sanctuaries, You’re On Your Own